
Nina Huang is an Associate Professor of Business Technology/Information Systems (with tenure) at the Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami, Florida. Nina is passionate about understanding how digital technology can enhance user experiences and improve business outcomes. Her research program encompasses a range of contexts, including online matching, online learning, online healthcare, mobile applications, and digital commerce.

Research Contribution

Dr. Huang’s research work has been published in premier journals such as Management Science (MS), MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), and Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP). Nina currently serves as a Senior Editor at Production and Operations Management, an Associate Editor at MIS Quarterly, and the Vice President of INFORMS Information Systems Society. And she is currently co-editing a Special Issue on Responsible Data Science at the Production and Operations Management.

Nina has received many awards and recognitions, including the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Early Career Award, a Distinguished Member of the AIS, the INFORMS Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award, the Outstanding Reviewer of the Year at MIS Quarterly, as well as the Best Reviewer of the Year at Information Systems Research.

To learn more about Dr. Huang and her work, you can visit her Google Scholar page here. You can also read her latest research papers on her research profile. If you would like to collaborate with Dr. Huang on research or invite her to speak at an event, please contact her here.