Nina Huang

Nina Huang is an Associate Professor of Business Technology at the Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami, Florida. Nina's expertise centers on understanding how digital technology can enhance user experiences and improve business outcomes. Her research program covers a range of digital contexts, including live streaming, online dating, online learning, online healthcare, mobile applications, and digital commerce. Nina currently serves as a Senior Editor at Production and Operations Management, an Associate Editor at Information Systems Research, and the Vice President of INFORMS Information Systems Society. She previously served as an Associate Editor at MIS Quarterly from 2021 to 2024.
Research Contribution
Dr. Huang’s research has been published in premier journals (listed in Financial Times Top 50 Journals and UTD24 Journals) across multiple disciplines:
- Interdiscplinary
- Information Systems
- Operations Management
- Marketing
Nina has received many awards and recognitions, including a Senior Member of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), a Distinguished Member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), the INFORMS Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award, the AIS Early Career Award, an Outstanding Reviewer of the Year at MIS Quarterly, and the Best Reviewer of the Year at Information Systems Research.
You can connect with Nina on LinkedIn here. You can find Nina's Google Scholar page here. You can also read her latest research papers on her webpage profile. If you would like to collaborate with Dr. Huang on research or invite her to speak at an event, please contact her here.